Physiotherapy for Shoulder Pain


Stop accepting pain - and painkillers - as your new normal

Shoulder pain is one of the most debilitating pain you can experience in daily life. 

Whether suddenly or over time, shoulder pain can make everything from putting on your seatbelt to lifting the kettle to make an afternoon cup of tea uncomfortable.

You might have been advised that your shoulder pain will disappear in a few days. But if months have passed and movement is becoming increasingly difficult, it’s clear that your issue isn’t simply having slept at a funny angle or needing a new pillow.

If your shoulder pain is turning the simplest task into a major problem, it’s time to stop waiting for it to go away on its own and bring in a professional.

Private physiotherapy can uncover why you have shoulder pain, and then create a personalised treatment plan to regain your function, mobility, and best quality of life again.

rotator cuff treatment hamilton physiotherapy

How Hamilton Physiotherapy Treats Shoulder Pain

You might feel nervous about booking a private physiotherapy appointment. If you’ve had a bad previous experience or been recommended generic exercises that didn’t solve your problem, it’s normal to be apprehensive.

At Hamilton Physiotherapy, we focus on outcome over intervention. Shoulder rubs from family members are nice – but if a massage isn’t targeted, it won’t help your pain! 

By starting physiotherapy for your shoulder pain, you can stop discomfort from dictating your life. Our treatment plans are fully tailored to your injury and can include manual massage, exercises, stretches, or even gentle exercise. 

All that matters is finding the right method to ease your pain, without relying on medication to take the edge off.

hamilton physiotherapy shoulder pain

How We Helped Others With Their Shoulder Pain


How To Start Improving Your Shoulder Pain Today

Avoid being in one position for too long.

When basic movements become painful, keeping your shoulder still and relying on your other arm to do all the work is tempting. However, this can only compound your initial problem and lead to your shoulder becoming sorer and stiffer over time. 

Try to keep your shoulder moving in a comfortable way to avoid causing more damage down the line.

A quick Google or YouTube search will bring up hundreds of exercises for shoulder pain – but how do you know they are the right ones for your issue? 

In some cases, doing the wrong exercises will make you feel worse! The best way to create a personalised exercise programme is to talk to an expert, who can create a progressive plan that builds your long-term strength, function, and mobility.

Above anything else, the most important thing you can do to tackle your shoulder pain is get a physiotherapy appointment! 

Improvements can always be made to your quality of life. Working with a professional is the best way to start moving more independently, get a good night’s sleep, and enjoying your favourite hobbies again at last.

shoulder pain physiotherapy hamilton
Our process

How we work

Every treatment plan we create is completely personal to your life, your needs, and your pain.
Here’s how you can start your physiotherapy journey today.
Get your life back in 3 steps
View our live booking calendar and select an appointment with one of our qualified physiotherapists at a convenient time for you.
This is your opportunity to tell your story on your terms.
Your friendly and supportive physiotherapist will conduct an in-depth consultation to learn about your pain. We will determine the root cause of the problem, and explain it to you in plain English – you deserve to understand your body, and what has happened to it.

We don’t promise a magical fix for your pain if we can’t provide one.

What we do promise, is a plan with clear milestones that lead you back to your previous best life.
We get started on your treatment plan, with clear milestones on when you should start feeling improvements.
Whether you want to pick up a golf ball on the course comfortably, play with your grandchildren, or enjoy a holiday in more comfort, we aim to get you doing the things you love again as quickly as possible.